A common misconception about tutoring services is that they
are only for students who have minimal experience in the field (i.e. writing,
science, math, etc.). Coming to the Writing Center for tutoring and requesting
help can benefit every student from a first-year freshman to a fifth-year
senior and beyond. After all, there are professional consulting firms all
around the world that get paid the big bucks to assist businesses with major
projects. My work thus far in the Writing Center has helped me understand how
beneficial seeking advice can really be.
When I was hired to be a writing tutor for Rogers State, I
had a general idea of what to expect. I knew I would be helping students with
their papers; anything from brainstorming, to producing an outline, to helping
with the perfect finishing touches. In many ways, I would be acting as a
consultant. I also believed in that misconception that I would mostly be
working with the freshman class. I couldn’t have been more wrong, and the
variety of students I have encountered has taught me a valuable lesson.
Everyone can use some help.
One of the first tutoring sessions I was involved with
happened to be a senior working on capstone project. Obviously, this was much
different than what I had expected. As it turns out, he was a really good
writer. He was organized and had thought out his paper carefully. He said he
had always had success with his writing assignments in other classes, but for
whatever reason it simply wasn’t working out with this particular teacher. Of
course, he was a little discouraged, but here he was seeking advice. It made me
think about how I would have reacted if put in the same situation. As a senior
myself, I sometimes think that I have everything figured out, and that my way
is the right way. It is easy to get defensive of criticism, and I admired the
way he was handling himself. He was open to suggestions and advice to make his
paper better.
I realized that I can get so caught up in giving advice that
I forget all of these resources are available for me too. I hope that after
this experience I will utilize the many tutoring and learning services offered
at the university more to make my future projects the best that they can be.
Never be afraid to ask for help. I’ve learned that even the most experienced
writers can benefit from another set of eyes. I can’t imagine a situation when
seeking advice would fail to be beneficial. Just remember to go into it with an
open mind!
Rogers State offers a variety of tutoring services on campus and I encourage
everyone to look into them. For more information on the Writing Center youcan click on this link. Do you have a busy schedule? We can also
assist you online (via email, video chat, or instant messenger).
So, whether you have a hard time writing a grocery list, or
are about to publish the next New York Times bestseller, a little help will
never hurt!
Good luck!