Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Writing Center tip: Time Management--Make Your Writing Center Appt. before the Due Date

Hi, RSU students,

The Writing Center is a place where you can find engaged readers who are ready to support you as a writer.

All writers--from students to scholars to professional writers--benefit from feedback on their ideas and their wording. Faculty, myself included, ask peers, editors, and sometimes even novices to read our drafts because feedback from thoughtful readers is valuable. I know other people can see things in my writing that I can't and their feedback can help me make my writing better. (I've even asked 2 of the Writing Center staff members to read over this very email to help me make it as effective as possible!)

Here are 3 optimal times to ask for feedback on an assignment:

1. When you receive the assignment sheet: we can help you make a plan for writing and help you make sure you're on the right track from the start.

2. When you have an outline or partial draft: we can help you make sure you are on-track to meet assignment requirements and help you make sure your outline/draft is shaping up to be focused and unified.

3. 2-3 days before the due date, when you have a full or mostly-complete draft: we can help you check to make sure your citations are correct and help you check to make sure the writing is clear and concise.

Remember, you can have 2 appointments per paper assignment and we don't offer appointments on the assignment due date (though we will answer 2-3 specific questions if we have time), so plan ahead. These policies apply on all 3 RSU campuses.

Our schedule is filling up, so call, drop by, or email now to reserve an on-ground, over the phone, or online appointment in advance.

Happy writing,

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